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Intelligent Buildings

A building controlled by an automation system is often referred to as an intelligent building system. Intelligent buildings utilize a network of smart electronic devices to monitor and control their mechanical, lighting, access, life-safety, and other systems.

The building automation systems in intelligent buildings perform functions such as maintaining the desired building climate, controlling lighting based on occupancy schedules or sensors, and monitoring the system for anomalous performance or device failures. Facilities with building automation system typically have lower building energy and maintenance costs when compared to non-controlled buildings.

Building Management Systems for:

HVAC Automation

Improve the comfort, efficiency, and healthiness of your facility with HVAC automation.


Access Controls

Keep your facility secure with integrated access controls using a range of PIN, card, RFID, or biometric options.


Energy Monitoring

Energy and resource monitoring to identify potential cost savings, as well as for LEED measurement and verification requirements.


Lighting Automation

Lighting accounts for a large portion of building energy use. Automated occupancy and scheduling controls can help reduce your lighting energy usage.


Laboratory Controls

HVAC-integrated exhaust and pressurization systems designed to meet demanding laboratory requirements.


Life-Safety Integration

Connections to life-safety systems for monitoring and HVAC integration.


IP Cam and CCTV Security Systems

Keep an eye on your facility, from stand-alone IP cams to fully integrated CCTV systems.